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Portland Symposium Attendance Check - How many?

Jun 10, 2004
Ames, Iowa (about 25 miles north of Des Moines)
Al, Steve, Angelo, others???

Just curious as to how many are registered so far (as of today) for the Portland AAW Symposium at the "two-week-out" mark....

Still getting my shopping list ready - ALSO - When will we know which presenters we will be assisting (and when our sessions will be) if we have signed-up to be a demo assistant? I want to carefully plan my 3 days for greatest "woodturning information absorption efficiency"!!



I don't have the latest figures, but as of about two weeks ago, there were just under 1000 full registrations. I'm sure that number has climbed since then. Regarding the assignment of assistants, I'm guessing that won't happen until Thursday afternoon. See you in Portland.
Why do assignments take so long?

tahoeturner said:

I don't have the latest figures, but as of about two weeks ago, there were just under 1000 full registrations. I'm sure that number has climbed since then. Regarding the assignment of assistants, I'm guessing that won't happen until Thursday afternoon. See you in Portland.


Thanks for your reply! I was just wondering what levels of 'seat competition' in the "popular" sessions we will be facing in Portland relative to that experienced in Louisville. Some of the rooms were so packed you couldn't even get a 1/16" parting tool in there edgewise!


For the Louisville meeting, it was very convenient to know well in advance of the Symposium for which demonstrators, and at what times, a volunteer would be assisting. Last year, we had this information at least a few weeks in advance so we could plan our "non-assisting" times. It is only fair to inform your volunteers of this basic information, at the very least, as a courtesy, so they can organize the "rest of their symposium life".

With the request for demo assistants taking place so long ago, a fixed number of demonstrators, and the schedule/rotation grid already completed, why will it take until Thursday before the Symposium organizers inform us of assignments for demo assistants? It doesn't make sense!

Further, we have not yet been informed about any demo assistant meeting, and if one is to be held, where and when this will be (i.e. on Thursday afternoon and/or early Friday morning).

Am I missing something, or has the AAW done a backslide on the organizational aspects of this part of the Symposium?? [If there was one, "I didn't get the memo!"] Coordination and informing the demo assistants is important to do well in advance of the event. Last minute arrangements DO NOT work for any organizational structure or activity. It would be good to keep us in the loop!

Please pass this information request on to anyone who is capable of getting the information out for demo assistants - I am sure I'm not alone in wondering what I am expected to do, and how I can fulfill my offer to volunteer at the Symposium. To date, we have been "significantly uninformed"...


Rob Wallace
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Demo Rotations


You can be pro-active in this regard. If you have the volunteer’s names and phone numbers, it would be easy for you to start assigning people to the various rotations.

If you can solicit the volunteers you have on your list, please feel free to give them their choice of which demonstrator they would like to work with.

This effort would be very helpful to Al Hockenbery on the Thursday before the symposium. Since Al is working with a pre-selected set of camera operators, the assistants will be responsible for the duties described in my private e mail to you.

I believe that the latest rotation grid is on the website.

It won't be as crowded as last year.

We have gone to 14 rotation rooms in Portland providing an additional choice each rotation.
We will have about 2375 seats in the rotation rooms. if we get to 1500 attendees there would still be at least 875 empty seats in the rotation rooms.

I think Trent Bosch is the only demonstrator we had in Louisville who will also be in Portland. In Louisville Bosch and Jensen were in a room with 165 chairs. In Portland Trent will be in a room with 245 chairs.
I know the Jensen/Bosch demos always had folks spilling out into the hall.
Will there still be folks in the hall? Probably but at least 80 more can sit down.

Happy Turning,
Hope to see you in Portland,

We are just less than a week away - I wonder how many people have signed up now????????? Are we going to be as packed as last year?

It won't be as packed as last year.

The unknown is on site registrations usually 100 or so.
best guess is 1500-1550 total attendees

Last year we were just under 1900.

20% less people, Bigger rooms, more rooms,
and more demonstrations it won't be nearly as crowded.

have a safe trip