I go out to the shop this morning and turn on the lathe (PM3520B). Nothing happens. Check the power (got power) and the speed control (it's not at zero). I turn the handwheel and the spindle spins freely.
I click the on / off switch a couple times and no go. I unplug the lathe, wait a minute and plug it back in. Still won't run when I turn on the switch, but if I turn the handwheel while the switch is on, it starts to run.
I repeated the "turn on" and "spin by hand" to start 3 times. The fourth time the lathe started right up when I turned on the switch. It worked fine the rest of the day.
I searched around, but couldn't find anyone reporting a similar type problem. Anyone experience anything like this or know what (if any) the problem might be?
I would call PM, but that will have to wait until Monday.
I click the on / off switch a couple times and no go. I unplug the lathe, wait a minute and plug it back in. Still won't run when I turn on the switch, but if I turn the handwheel while the switch is on, it starts to run.
I repeated the "turn on" and "spin by hand" to start 3 times. The fourth time the lathe started right up when I turned on the switch. It worked fine the rest of the day.
I searched around, but couldn't find anyone reporting a similar type problem. Anyone experience anything like this or know what (if any) the problem might be?
I would call PM, but that will have to wait until Monday.