Poor chainsawing has turned a nice bowl blank into a potential platter. I have a 17x17 chunk of cherry about 2.5 inches thick.
Do I
1) seal ends and put on shelf for couple years to dry
2) cut round on my bandsaw and let dry for couple years before turning platter
3) rough turn now while green, let it contort and move while it dries, and then finish turn in year or so-- similar to green bowl strategy.
If option 3 is best route, then how thick to I leave the platter after first turn. If it 16 inch round, do I leave it 1.5 inches thick?
Also, would you take all the sap wood off during rough process or leave a little on?
Do I
1) seal ends and put on shelf for couple years to dry
2) cut round on my bandsaw and let dry for couple years before turning platter
3) rough turn now while green, let it contort and move while it dries, and then finish turn in year or so-- similar to green bowl strategy.
If option 3 is best route, then how thick to I leave the platter after first turn. If it 16 inch round, do I leave it 1.5 inches thick?
Also, would you take all the sap wood off during rough process or leave a little on?