Mike - I think those are good suggestions in general.
About forum usage - if anyone has suggestions on how to increase visibility or usage I'm open to ideas.
NOTE: I just researched the usage issue. "Lurkers", people who do not login, are NOT counted in the usage statistics. As a result there is no way to tell how many people are just reading the forum, or just looking at the gallery pictures. I would posit a guess that a lot of folks do just that....they hit the forum to glean some info without logging in. It could be 20 people/day or 100/day.
I think it is good to let unregistered or un-logged-in people view the forums. As an example, I posted some pics in the photo forum and Theresa (my Sig-Other) shared those pictures at work. Then they started looking at other photos from other members. The general idea is that unregistered people can look at what we're doing....benefitting woodturning in general.
About webspace and webformats for chapters. This has not been discussed. We just finished the chapters website competition and there were a variety of designs. There is a lot of creativity out there. We could tie into the network of webmasters who entered the competition. I think if your chapter came up with a couple of designs, the webmasters could provide comments or suggestions.
Sharing the AAW hosting space, the gallery, etc is an interesting idea. It has not been proposed or discussed. The AAW is paying for hosting and there are usage and size limits for each tier of usage. In the past 2 years nearly all the website and forum changes were proposed by me, and most were implemented by me as well. Notable exceptions are:
- The recent POP work which was proposed by John Hill and had an excellent implementation by Paul Vonk
- Chris Wright gave me extraordinary help in setting up the text and photo forum implementation
- Mike Nelson co-designed and gave extraordinary help in designing and testing the redesigned website.
My point is that someone has to propose the idea to the board, foster it, then usually put in a lot of time to get it done. I think one simple thing we could do is to sponsor chapter subforums from this forum as desired. I'm not sure if that's something people would want or even use.