Can I use the same filters from a film camera on a digital camera assuming they fit?
Our buildings were all changed to the compact flourescents last year. Some are green, some are red, and some blue as hell. Sometimes you'll have both in one room depending on when they were changed over. What a mess.
On the other hand I suck at photoshop. My boss is the computer geek and did all the post production work for years. I'm now having to do it but I'm slow, push the wrong buttons and get lost and just generally have a hard time.
I'm still a believer in getting the best photo you can before you resort to photoshop. I constantly hear, Oh just do that in photoshop and they take a mediocre photo. I still feel the less you have to manipulate it the better it's going to look in the end.
Bill I went to visit my sisters church in Atlanta and it's like that, 10 foot screens on each side of the pulpit. The choir has a shell that comes down from the ceiling when they sing and right in the center of the congregation is the control booth for all that. I thought I was attending the Grand ole Opry.
I'm much happier in my church in Cookeville. 180 people attend, the choir has no mikes and the only TV is the one we go home to watch the game after the service.