I took a class at our local Woodcraft store and found something that I enjoy along with other turnings. My grandson was intrigued by it and he wanted me to help him make pens for his parents for their birthdays. One birthday is past and one is coming up due to some hiccups in planning and his school schedule. One is the new Wrench design from WC. My son is a mechanical engineer so it will fit nicely. The hiccup was that the wood picked out was lignum vitae. I can drill through tool steel faster! However, we did get the pen done. The other will b e pink acrylic for his mother. Take a look at the Wrench photo. My grandson turned 90% of it with me guiding the spindle gouge on the tool rest. Now he wants a lathe. Finish is several coats of BLO after sanding with micro pads. Thanks for looking.