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pen turning (bushings)

May 20, 2004
New Glarus, WI
Is the only function of the "proper" bushing for pen turning to size the wood members? In other words, can bushings be used many times for the same size turnings as they are apparently not part of the pen kit.
Is the only function of the "proper" bushing for pen turning to size the wood members? In other words, can bushings be used many times for the same size turnings as they are apparently not part of the pen kit.

Absolutely. That is their function. I will tell you this you do need to get yourself a nice digital calipers. Those bushings are only a basic guide. You need to measure the kit componets before starting and adjust with the use of the bushings accordingly. After a few pens turned on those bushings they will start to get smaller in diameter due to tools hitting them and also sandpaper. But no problem when using calipers. Good luck.
Yes, they can be used more then once, depending on how hard you are on them.
If you wear them out either with tool or sandpaper, the barrel will be smaller
then the pen parts and the look of the finished pen will suffer. If you don’t turn all
the way to the bushing but instead leave it half a tad proud you can break that sharp edge with some 600 or 800 grit after you take it off the mandrel. What you end up with is a super small radiused edge that flows from the barrel into the pen part. This small radius
looks like you meant it to be that way, feels better then a sharp edge, and it saves the
life of your bushings.