There is a recent post about joint pain/damage, self treatment, and oh yeah, hollowing. I didn't want to hijack that, but did want to pass on a warning. Last Tuesday night, I thought someone was turning around on our street because I saw a flash of light out the side of my eye. Maybe saw a couple, but didn't pay attention. Next afternoon, saw a couple floaters in my eye. Didn't pay attention. Next morning, my vision looks like the inside of a snow globe, but instead of snow, it's clear bubbles. By that early afternoon, I was having laser surgery in my eye. I had a horseshoe shaped retinal tear going on. Untreated, and I could have a retinal detachment and possible loss of sight. Scared me to the core! So the word of caution, see any flashes out the corners of your eye, and especially if you are getting close to 60 years old, haul butt to the eye doctor! I have good vision in it, but a bunch of debris floating around. Maybe that settles out, maybe not.