There is no particular rules for thickness.
The big difference for thickness is drying time and weight of the finished bowl.
I try for walls 3/16 to 5/16” on my NE bowls so that they will dry quickly
Small bowls I will often go thinner to 1/8” or so.
A 15” NE bowl with 1/4 wall will be a nice functional bowl.
Bowls with this wall thickness are quite sturdy and will provide a lot of functional use.
I turn the bowls in a single session no sanding unless there is a foot detail which needs to be sanded on the lathe.
I rinse the finished bowl in the sink and towel dry. The put it in a box, Closed flaps for one day, open one flap for a day, open all flaps for a day, shelf for a day. Then sand and apply the first finish coat..
5/16” bowls will get an extra day with the flaps closed. I remove the bark from most
Most of the ones I turn now with a round bottom.
If I turn one with a foot. The hollowed foot has a ring that contact the table.
I true that by clamping a sheet of Sandpaper (180 or 220) to my table saw. The slide the bowl over the paper without letting it rock, a few passes will sand it flat.
I have a demo video on NE bowls from a crotch. Other than lining up the 3 rims the turning process is the same for any face grain bowl. The pull cut on the outside almost always cut the bark cleanly.