Is there a list or chart somewhere that reports which woods are oily enough to require treatment prior to gluing and finishing? I am aware of Cocobolo, but not others.
Dean Center
Dean Center
Thanks, Mark. That's just the kind of information I was looking for. A friend has asked me to make him a wood shaving mug, and I am hoping a water-resistant wood will stand up to the wet-dry life it will have. (I tried to talk him out of wood, or at least consider a glass liner, but he was persistent)
You might want to see if he is allegiant to Rosewood first. Wouldn't be pleasant.
I trust you mean allergic Steve.
Well that's an ugly picture that hadn't occurred to me before. Do people get a contact reaction to rosewood, as well as an inhalation allergy? In his case, it's highly unlikely he's ever come in contact with it before. At the very least, I should be able to get out of shotgun distance before any rash shows up. :cool2:You might want to see if he is allegiant to Rosewood first. Wouldn't be pleasant.