I finally opened my Christmas present, degreased it, put the jaws on, adjusted them, and put on in the lathe.
I'm pleased that the action is so smooth, and the two handled thing doesn't bother me much. It sure beats working the faceplate scenario...
I also turned my first lidded box! Whoo Hoo! This is gonna be fun!
But I found the instruction manual for the chuck a bit puzzling in places, and downright hilarious in others...
Dang! Sounds like something the dog did in the yard!
Anyway, I wonder how you locate the screw chuck in this thing? It looks as if it could be placed in the jaws several different ways, but the instructions have quite a few errors at this point. Any suggestions?
Also after lining up the jaws, one of them was "twisted" out of square just the slightest bit, and loosening the screws, tightening the jaws and re-tightening the screws did nothing to line it back up again. I think this is why when I chucked up a tenoned piece that it "wobbled" no matter what I did. No real problem, I just turned it true again... It's just that it would be nice if it was square when re-chucked... Any suggestions on this?
I'm pleased that the action is so smooth, and the two handled thing doesn't bother me much. It sure beats working the faceplate scenario...
I also turned my first lidded box! Whoo Hoo! This is gonna be fun!
But I found the instruction manual for the chuck a bit puzzling in places, and downright hilarious in others...
"...so that it excretes equal pressure on all four jaws..."

Dang! Sounds like something the dog did in the yard!
Anyway, I wonder how you locate the screw chuck in this thing? It looks as if it could be placed in the jaws several different ways, but the instructions have quite a few errors at this point. Any suggestions?
Also after lining up the jaws, one of them was "twisted" out of square just the slightest bit, and loosening the screws, tightening the jaws and re-tightening the screws did nothing to line it back up again. I think this is why when I chucked up a tenoned piece that it "wobbled" no matter what I did. No real problem, I just turned it true again... It's just that it would be nice if it was square when re-chucked... Any suggestions on this?