I’ve got a Nova 16-24 lathe and a G3 chuck. The chuck came with a 50mm jaw. I’ve built up a laminated blank out of plywood that I want to turn into a decorative bowl. The blank is 11” diameter and 5-1/2” deep and is ready for it’s “turn” on the lathe. Got it mounted on a beefy 5” faceplate. After I true it up nice and round, I’ll work on the exterior shape and then turn a dovetail in the bottom for an expanding jaw attachment.
Not sure if the basic 50mm jaws are a good choice for a blank of this size. I was thinking about getting the Teknatool 75mm Bowl Jaws for the job.
Question one: any issue using the 75mm jaws with the G3?
Question two: would I be better off with the Supernova 2 chuck?
Question three: the Teknatool accessory jaw booklet recommends max speed of 1,000 rpm. Are they being over cautious?
Thanks, Jim
Not sure if the basic 50mm jaws are a good choice for a blank of this size. I was thinking about getting the Teknatool 75mm Bowl Jaws for the job.
Question one: any issue using the 75mm jaws with the G3?
Question two: would I be better off with the Supernova 2 chuck?
Question three: the Teknatool accessory jaw booklet recommends max speed of 1,000 rpm. Are they being over cautious?
Thanks, Jim