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Nova DVR XP low speed adjustment

Sep 12, 2017
Marietta, Georgia
Has anyone with this lathe ever learned how to set the speed parameters to run slower than the preset 100 rpm? Thats more than a bit too fast for applying finishes and Id like to get the machine down to a speed suitable for that.
I tried the Technatool site but there was nothing in the Faqs and thoughts Id check here before going through the frustration of opening a ticket.
I have a Galaxi. I asked this question of Nova before buying the lathe, and the answer was no, 100 rpm is as low as it will go.

Not to say someone hasnt found a “hack”, and it wont hurt to ask Nova, but expect no from them. Please post it if you find something.
Does the VFD have any hidden info telling who the actual manufacture is?
If you could go back to the manufacturer maybe you could find out how to access the minimum speed parameter.
Note: The minimum speed is probably set in Hz (frequency).
I did get this from the site

Press the button to Check parameter and serial number on your XP lathe.
Press the button to go to
next page. Or press the button to return main page.
Parameter and serial number:
 CurLimM =70%*
 CurLimG =CG*%
 TrqRmp =2000ms*
 SpdRmp =1000s-1
 AdvMax =85*
 PulseMax =185
 Ir Gain =28835*
 Ir Offset =82
 Kprop =500%*
 Kint =3125%/s
 VdLowLim =300V
 Vd =(Various)
 UVTSdStp =345*
 UVTSdRun=220V
 V Kprop =2000*
 V Kint =9000
 VdROn =380*
 VdROff =360*
 T htsnk = (Various)
 T reduc = 60̊
 SpdAdvMax=1000*
 RPM LowL=SB**
 SERIAL NUMBER=xxxxxxxx
Gary, I recently set the minimum speed on my DVR 1624 to 50. There may be differences in our models/software. For me it was menu > motor config > min speed. 50 is as low as I can go.
Gary, just got off the phone with Teknatool support and they confirmed that 100 is the lowest speed we (I own one too) can get.

Also while I was on the line with them I asked them about Mark's comment that he was able to get his 1624 (Galaxy) down to 50. Debbie went to a 1624 and said that there was no MENU>MOTOR CONFIG>MIN SPEED function on that lathe. nor does it have the ability to go to 50. Are you sure you got that right?


Also while I was on the line with them I asked them about Mark's comment that he was able to get his 1624 (Galaxy) down to 50. Debbie went to a 1624 and said that there was no MENU>MOTOR CONFIG>MIN SPEED function on that lathe. nor does it have the ability to go to 50. Are you sure you got that right?

Note, I don't have a Galaxy. I have a 1624 and my 1624 has the DVR upgrade. Don't know what lathe Debbie was checking.
Mark Jundanian:
Note, I don't have a Galaxy. I have a 1624 and my 1624 has the DVR upgrade. Don't know what lathe Debbie was checking.[/QUOTE]
hmm... actually although I wrote galaxy, She and I only mentioned the number 1624. She navigated to the this thread and saw your post so perhaps she'll check this thread and clarify.