So, I bought a used supernova chuck off Ebay and have a problem; the new insert I got doesn't fit the chuck. It appears to be a slightly older chuck; its the same roughly 4" diameter body, but the thread pitch on the insert that was in the chuck--1x8tpi and the new insert, 1.25x8tpi are slightly different. The woodcraft site says the inserts match and are interchangeable with different Nova chucks, but it doesn't fit.......
The chuck body just says "Nova chuck", but it was listed as a SuperNova, not a supernova 2. The teknatool and woodcraft site seems to say that the chuck inserts and jaws should be the same for both models, but I'm stumped. I don't really need the chuck, I have 2 stronghold chucks with #2 and #3 jaws on them--I don't like changing jaws. I wanted this one so that I could have a chuck with non-marring jaws for box making.
Has anyone had similar problems with older supernova chucks not matching new chuck thread pitches?
The chuck body just says "Nova chuck", but it was listed as a SuperNova, not a supernova 2. The teknatool and woodcraft site seems to say that the chuck inserts and jaws should be the same for both models, but I'm stumped. I don't really need the chuck, I have 2 stronghold chucks with #2 and #3 jaws on them--I don't like changing jaws. I wanted this one so that I could have a chuck with non-marring jaws for box making.
Has anyone had similar problems with older supernova chucks not matching new chuck thread pitches?