And don't forget box elder. Smells like old, well ripened gym socks. The other wood that smells surprisingly bad is apple. Sprays water like a hose too.
Bill, I gotta say I purely love red oak. Pungent as it is, I love the grain, the lignin rays, the look of the bark, etc. I hate that it turns my hands black but a quick wash with dandruff shampoo takes care of that. I do have to clean off the ways every time I turn it, though, and that's a pain for a lazy like me.
Another poo wood is zebrana.
My least favorite of all, however, is also one I turn alot. Figured red maple is soft, stable, etc. It also gives me sinisitis from the dust. I have tons of it but have to wear a respirator when I sand or I'm hurtin for days. Box elder does the same thing to me. Ah well, the price we pay.