Phil, what about having the magazine in stores? I know this is where you use your membership funds, but, what if we did some creative thinking.....what about membership running annually from the date of joining, magazine available in all local stores, instead of covering the price of the mag in the membership, what about providing discounts at major/minor suppliers instead....good discounts...
I'm thinking on the fly here but what if aww discounted it's own brand smocks for members, by $20, or something that is a good discount. Aww also get in the business of sourcing best prices and buying bulk, then selling at this better price only to members?
I know that this won't work for people away from the main centres, but since they don't get delivery in a reasonable time anyway, perhaps it won't be that big a deal.
Just some thoughts, I am sure others will have better....
When you think about it, I am probably not alone in only being a member to get the magazine........I don't think that the Aww offers me anything else to be honest......not knocking it, just saying there may be othre ways to increase membership and get the magazines out in good time as well.