I recently bought a used Nichols lathe with a 40" swing and am in the process of getting it set up and tuned up. I'm having a problem getting the tailstock adjusted so it's lined up with the spindle properly. I can get a live center point to line up with the point of a drive spur but I think the tailstock is not properly aligned on the ways of the bed. The reason for this is if I chuck a piece on the lathe and bring the tailstock up to support the piece, the point of the live center is off of the center of the piece. I've checked the spindle in the headstock and it's running true. Is it a trial and error process to adjust the tailstock or are there a set of steps to take to make the adjustment? Could it be as simple as chucking a piece of wood on another lathe and making sure the centers are clearly marked and then moving it over to the Nichols and adjusting the tailstock to fit the established centers? Many thanks for any suggestions.
Tim Carter
Tim Carter