• Congratulations to Alex Bradley winner of the December 2024 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Conversations are now Direct Messages (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Gabriel Hoff for "Spalted Beech Round Bottom Box" being selected as Turning of the Week for January 6, 2024 (click here for details)
  • Welcome new registering member. Your username must be your real First and Last name (for example: John Doe). "Screen names" and "handles" are not allowed and your registration will be deleted if you don't use your real name. Also, do not use all caps nor all lower case.

New Webmaster

Apr 9, 2004
Austin, TX
The AAW is happy to announce a new AAW webmaster. Ed Davidson from Colorado Springs will be taking over the helm as the primary webmaster. Please welcome Ed to his new role. Ed also monitors and participates in this forum. And he maintains the Pikes Peak Woodturners' website. Ed will be using the webmaster@woodturner.org ID as his primary contact point. (I'm still on that ID too).

I have been the primary webmaster from 2003 - early 2006. During that time I felt like I made some good changes and tried to elevate the website to a slightly higher level of content and quality:
  • Reorganized all the gallery pages, and reorganized several other areas of the site
  • Posted 3 years of Symposium data including photos
  • Put hierarchical menus in place, and maintained these as new content was added
  • Moved the Want-ads from the old interface to this forum
  • Moved the old list-serve email forum to a new Yahoo forum (much better interface)
  • Created an AAW sitemap as a one-stop website index (sitemap here)
  • Implemented this new text and photo forum with the help of Chris Wright and Steve Worcester
There are still some things I still need to do with the dynamic portion of the site. As mentioned in other threads the AAW will be implementing new software to handle:
- online membership
- online symposium registration
- online board member voting
- and an online shopping cart

That project is scheduled for completion in the May/June timeframe. I will continue project managing that work, then helping with the migration and webpage changes needed. Also I will write up the changes and help with any questions or transition issues. After that I will maintain the remaining (small portions) of the website which are dynamic in nature.

Also I will stay on as co-moderator with Steve. And I will maintain the text and photo forum software as needed. There are some other website changes coming, and I'll work those out with Ed.

Ed has already been maintaining the homepage, symposium page, and AW Journal page for the past month. He has come up to speed quickly and has done an excellent job so far.

Kind regards,
Ed will have some big shoes to fill following you and it sure is nice to know that you will still be around to facilitate. Still, I have no doubt that Ed has all the skills and personality, dedication and drive to continue to make this web site even better just as you have done. I hope everyone will join me in welcoming him into this wonderful fold.
Jeff, Ed can only hope to do as good a job as you have. I'm glad you'll be sticking around to assist and have really appreciated the effort you've put into this endeavor. You've also intervened at some key points to keep this a fun and friendly venue, which is highly appreciated and takes guts. Good job, Dude.

Thanks so much,

I look at this as just the web site growing and more help being needed - a good thing for AAW!! You and Steve have both done a wonderful job but the time requirements I am sure are starting to cut into your turning time! Now maybe you can have a little more turning time and time to enjoy visiting on the forum - but we are NOT going to let you stop helping totally I am glad to see!!! 😀 😀


Jeff, thank you for your work here on the AAW site. It has grown a lot under you supervision. Congratulations on a job very well done.

Ed, you've got your work cut out for you. I look forward to seeing your increased input here on the boards. And congratulations to you.
Well, Pilgram

Ya done pretty good, but it ain't over yet . . . 🙄

Ed, welcome (if that's the word).

Jeff, you ain't getttin' away THAT easy!!! 😀 😀
Drats....I tried to sneak out the back door and didn't quite make it. :cool2:

The software project is coming along fine and will still take a lot of work from now until late May. Steve and I are finalizing the current contest rules and will be posting those in the next day. Never a dull moment...except on my bowl gouges.
Jeff I've really enjoyed everything you've done to the site. Your hard work has payed off for all of us so saying thanks seems too little.