Hi Ed,
There is a very good photo tutorial posted
here - it's listed in the How-To's, Tips, and Techniques Category. There are other tutorials available, with links posted in the AAW forums as well as in other locations on the web.
As to pricing, checkout what local turners in your area are charging (most clubs have several pros, and all are usually willing to help you by recommending what's typical in your area.)
For utility items like pens and bowls, I came up with a formula after checking various web sites.
For pens, the average price I found on the net was about 5x the cost of the blank + kit, i.e., $10 kit + $5 blank would be about $75 give or take $5 bucks. More exotic wood and pen kits can be slightly higher, and the more your products are in demand, you can start raising the price (a little bit at a time.)
For bowls, take the diameter (in inches) multiply it by the height (in inches) and multiply by 2.7, then add the cost of the blank to get a reasonable price. So a 10" X 2.5" salad bowl would be about $70. This is for very high quality, so 'seconds' (noticable compression rings, tear out anywhere) go for less than 1/4 that price - I don't even show these items, and usually they end up in use at home, or out on a weekend yard sale.
Art pieces are a totally different matter, and need to be prices at what the market in your area will bear, and new turners get significantly less that an established turner. (If you see items in a retail setting, the artist usually gets about 1/2 the retail price.)
I'm sure others will disagree with these numbers, and I welcome comments from others on their method for pricing their work.
Welcome and good luck with your business!