I have tried wipe on poly finishes several times and can't seem to get the same high gloss others are getting here. I even followed the directins, if you can believe that!! Is there a secret? I am using the clear gloss Minwax.
Have used Wipe-on-Poly for years. Do you sand with 400 grit or 4/0 steel wool and or artificial steel wool, wipe down with a tack rag then apply the finish? I use a piece of old T-shit cut in pieces with pinking shears to keep from the edges coming apart on you while you are wiping on the finish. I do the above on each coat that I apply. One other thought the can of poly that you are using it might be bad, if you have had it for a while, go buy a fresh can. Or the finish that was put on is not completey dry or the piece might not be completey dry either.
To get the depth of finish that I am looking for on each piece that I do, I put on any where from 3 to 5 or more coats of the finish to get the depth and sheen that I am looking for.