Good Morning Dave!
I don't know how often Bruce updates the Sanding Glove Web site - at present it appears to say "Copyright 2010" - I think Steve only began selling his tools through the Sanding Glove earlier this year, so the Advanced Lathe Tools items might not appear on the web site yet. At the AAW Symposium in St. Paul, Steve (....and 'Sarge') were demonstrating their tools in the Sanding Glove booth. You can give Bruce a call to see if he stocks the Advanced Lathe Tool line yet. (Probably closer shipping to you from VA than from the Quad Cities...)
Alternatively, you could contact Steve Sinner directly (his contact information is in the AAW Directory, or PM me for his e-mail address) and he may be in a position now to sell directly (?). I don't know if that's happening yet (...and I won't be out to visit Steve until the end of October when I'm doing a day-long demo for the Quad Cities Woodturners...)
I can tell you that this steady rest is very well built - they used the best parts, UHMW wheels that they turn, and even though it might be a bit pricier than some other center steadies, the well thought-out design and quality shows. One safety feature that is overlooked is that they have anti-pinch bars on every wheel mount to avoid the possibility of getting fingers etc. pinched during rotation.
Let me know if you need more info!