I am new to this turning and was wondering when turning green wood into a bowl or whatever, what do you use or how do you keep it from cracking while its drying? I have been told to turn a bowl down to about 1 inch thick and then treat it and let it sit for a while. But what do you treat it? Just looking for some ideas to try. Thanks
a good bit of the success in drying bowls comes from turning them with curves and an even wall thickness.
I do a demo on green wood and show some slides as an introduction ans as a handout.
sort of the 5 habits of successful greenwood turners. new turner have a learning curve to get these five items.
don't be discouraged. some new turners have about half their bowls crack. as your turning improves you loose very few bowls.
if you haven't seen this it may be useful
what works really well for me is paper bags.
wash the bowl in water when it comes off the lathe.
towel it dry
put it in a paper grogery bag
put another paper bag over the opening put it out of any direct airflow like a fan or AC vent
each day for about a week put it in two dry bags if you see any mold on the bowl wipe it with clorox.
after 5-7 days the bag will be dry and you can set the bowl and the bags on a shelf for 4 months
in 4 months you can take the bowl out of the bag an begin weighing it or checking with a moisture meter
in 6-8 months after turning is should be dry. (not losing any weight in 2 weeks), 10% moisture content.