I was at a craft fair last weekend with my wife and and her two sisters when they were oogling over some small wooden ear rings. These were undoubtedly mass produced machine turned by someone in a foreign country but without thinking I said I could make those better and cheaper to the women and now I am stuck with that very task. On the plus size I told my wife I would need to buy some new tools for the task and she agreed. My problem now is figuring out the best way to hold onto a 1/2 to 3/4 inch piece of stock that is not very long. i tried my drill chuck but it was hard to get it to tighten on small pieces without crushing the wood and throwing it off center. I thought about the beall collete chuck but it really isn't in my budget at the moment as the car transmission went out the day I bought my other tools. I could wait and buy some 1" jaws for my chuck and just use biger stock but that seems wasteful of fine wood. I though about mortising a square hole in a piece of wood that I could mount to the face plate and slip tight fitting pieces of square stock into it. Anyone have other thoughts that I can make myself without spending more than $20.00?