The amount of vibration in the hand piece has a strong relation to price.
NSK has a reputation for quality ( and high price ). I don't know that model, but I am sure that it is nice.
The best thing would be a hands on session.
I have a micro-pro and a Ram OZ.
The micropro is very affordable, but I notice more vibration than the Ram OZ which costs about 3X more.
It makes a significant difference in a days or even a few hours work.
I can use the Ram all day compared to a shorter time with the micro-pro.
The NSK handpieces I have used have been very smooth running, but I could not justify the higher cost ( almost 2x the Ram OZ ) as a hobbiest.
The micro-pro may be a useful purchase is you are not 100% sure about the investment in micromotor carving.
The price of admission is lower for the handpiece, the cost of the bits is the same and they can be used with any other handpiece.
If it turns out that you want a better handpiece, you can keep the micro-pro as a spare, for sanding, or what have you.