Max Taylor
In Memoriam
[SOne of the members of North Texas Woodturners located a 100 acre tract loaded with mesquite trees slated for development. He asked about harvesting some of the trees. He was given permission with the stipulation we would not leave a mess and also pile up the brush, which we did. The first Saturday of cutting about 10 guys and ladies showed up and one tractor. They harvested about 20000 lbs. of wet trees. The next Sat. about 15 guys and ladies came with chain saws and trailers. This time there were 2 tractors to haul the wood out to the trailers on the only asphalt road. Several of the men guestimated we took about 40,000 lbs. this time. I personally loaded one trailer twice. A good time was had by all. A couple of the guys plan to take at least a trailer and pickup load to the symposium and do some 'hoss tradin' with some club in Michigan who plan to bring some Cherry and Maple, a scarcity here in Tx.
Just thought you folks would like to know.Dustpan
Just thought you folks would like to know.Dustpan