Thanks for the diagnosis and solutions!
Bill G., I think it is a compression mark; I will have to watch on the next batch. I will sand this one out.
Mark, I will try the saran wrap on the next one, none of these had a finish on them fortunately so I can sand again. The warning about finishing will be well heeded. When I was sanding I could feel the airflow through a yellow birch bowl.
Bill, I will watch the vacuum, I was worried that it might fall off but will experiment to find a comfortable reduction. I will try 44# for a starter.
Michael, thanks for reminding me to wet set, I would have forgotten even though you have me doing it automatically now with the salad bowls.
Richard, what a great site. If I didn’t have 8 cords of firewood to cut and split I would spend more time there, bookmarked for a rainy day. I printed out your chart, thank goodness you have # & “ scale, I thought I was going to have to convert it but you already went through the trouble.🙂