Ye-up, been there, got that. Pretty much determined they were caused by the rubber seal or fine dust/grit on or in the rubber/foam seal ring or both. Pretty much eliminated the problem with a piece of plastic wrap as follows:
1. Vacuum clean the piece well before mounting.
2. Do the same to the chuck's seal-ring.
3. Just before you mount the piece, stretch a fresh piece of smooth Saran wrap over the chuck and put a rubber band on to hold the folded corners; like a drum. Make sure that it is smooth with no folds or crinkles over the seal/contact ring.
4. Cut a 1" hole in the center of the "drum" for air flow.
5. Position your piece and hold gently with the tail stock, then turn on your vacuum.
6. Do not reposition the piece [intentionally

] while under pressure. If after you've turned a bit, you need to do so, release the vacuum, remove the piece, and vacuum clean the surfaces so that you don't get dust or grit trapped under the seal. You don't have to use fresh plastic.
7. Keep your ts in place for added safety as long as you can.
Hope this helps.
ps: This assumes that any finish on the contact surface is dry and cured, and that you do not apply more finish to the working side while under vacuum pressure; doing so will force the liquid to migrate through to the pressurized side and "bloom" inside the chuck ring.