The suggestions for a template are good, but.....
In the end, you will have to prep your blanks to the same size, rough tthe OD of the top end to a target dimension using calipers, face the blanks to a target thickness using calipers, make a tenon to a target diameter with calipers, and then turn the outside of the bowl profile that makes the tenon and top OD come together with a pleasing curve. A template won't fit the bowl until the shape is finalized, and trying to use is part way through may be more of a hindrence than a help. Most people rough between centers, and if that method is used it will further complicate the use of a template.
If you do use a template, consider the use of a woodworm screw for mounting with tailstock support. Pulling the tailstock for template use will leave the blank mounted with a woodworm screw.
My suggestion is to prep the blanks, rough the first bowl to the dimensions and shape that you like keeping track of the dimensions of the foot/tenon, Rim OD, and total heigth of the roughed out bowl. Then when doing the rest of the bowls, use the dimensions of the first to establish the above on the rest, and when doing the shape of the remaining bowl rough outs, set the first bowl on the headstock so that you can hold it up near the bowl in progress and visually 'meassure' the profile of the one that is being turned. If you are going to do a set of six, plan on roughing out eight. Muscle memory and your hand eye will give about as good a result as using a template.
Use the same method when doing the final turning. The inside profile is pretty much determined by the outside shape by holding the wall thickness from rim to near foot.
When the entire batch is finished turned, pick the set that matches best, and put the other two in your cupboard for personal use.