Thanks for all the responses, comments, and advice...........
I have a few comments of my own, but the main thing is to acknowledge that I'm taking the advice here and making the largest Grumbine chuck my lathe will accommodate. 16" swing, minus allowance for the bolt pattern should give me somewhere in the neighborhood of 14" maximum bowl diameter.
(BTW: Vaughn and Robert Manning......I checked out your bowls in the contest results. Very creative use of dyes and laminations.......nice job, to both of you! :cool2: )
Vaughn: You aren't the only one who suggests multiple "donut" plates to accommodate different bowl feet......I'm adding that to the list, but will probably make only one for starters.
MM: Often times, you are one that makes great common sense......yep, it will be as big as possible. That example you show a pic of.......looks like it includes the I correct in assuming there is an element of luck that you seem to have avoided cracking?
Joe: Already purchased the PVC for an interior brace.....was planning on using a child's rubber play ball on top of that....should provide some cushion to it, but don't want it too spongy. Might cover it with leather.
John: Yes.....different donut plates. One to start me going. At this point, I prefer to have clear access to the base......sort of what my Mega Jumbo Jaws give me. Really have gotten to like the freedom of movement around the base without that tailstock being in the way.......!
Al Hockenbery: I've been wondering how the best way to true up the bowl and donut plate so that the bowl base runs true. I have ordered a #2 MT to 1 1/4x8tpi adaptor from csusa.....plan to use it for this purpose. Hope that helps keep things running true, once the chuck is installed.
Texian: I have purchased some 3/4" particle board for this purpose. I'm having some doubts about the strength, but I know particle board is very resistant to warping over time. I might laminate two pieces for the base plate, and use a single thickness for the donut........still, mulling that over right now.......
Robert: I have some thin Baltic Birch plywood, and I know you are correct that it would be a great material for this purpose. I've already got the particle board and plan to use that......but, if it's a "no-go", I may have to re-think...... Good idea of using leather for the donut hole. I had planned on using a piece of rubber, but leather is probably a better non-marring choice.
thanks to all......hope to get this chuck in the works this weekend, but have some other obligations that may require a delay......hope not, because I'm anxious to finally make this chuck a reality........