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Louisville numbers - problem?

Apr 25, 2004
Burnt Chimney, SW Virginia
I was just looking at the rotation grid and did a little arithmetic. I assume that now we have over 1500 signed up for the Symposium. There are 14 rooms/demos designated for a given time slot, and sometimes there are 13. I'm hoping that the Board members are thinking about this also. If things were perfect then 108 people would want to attend each demo and it would work out fine. But things aren't perfect. Like many others I have marked my optimal schedule of demos and am optimistic that I will get to see most of them. But Murphy's Law says that won't happen and I am about at the point of hoping to see a couple of my choices.

Now let's suppose there were 19 simultaneous demos. For 1500 people that would put the attendance at 80 per room if all things were equal - which of course they are not. So I ponder, what's the chance of the Board adding five rooms and demos per time slot? It's probably about the same chance as pigs flying. Adding six, so that there are 20 demos per time slot, would reduce the average attendance to 75 and that is about where it would be in an optimal arrangement.

I am really hoping that the Board takes pro-active positive steps to eliminate the problem I foresee. However, I am pessimistic and fearing that I will be grossly disappointed in my Symposium experience and consequently will shun future national events. Please, prove me wrong.
Ed Your assuming that everyone will go to a demo every hour. I usually miss several because I'm there talking to friends or want to spend time in the vendor area or at the instant gallery. I think there are probably others who do this. I still have some concerns about overcrowding because I personally know 5 or 6 people who are going who have not registered yet. I assume there are a lot more.
Ed, Your assumption of demo attendence is, I think, incorrect. There will be large numbers of attendees in the IG, the Vendor areea, and the 2 off-site shows at any given time. Couple that with repeats of the various demos in different rotations and I think you'll have ample opportunity to see what you wish. Remember too, that there are three panel discussions slated in the big room (350 seats + SR) that will pull substantial numbers out of each of those slots.



Have a beer!

I am going to Louisville with an optimistic attitude and I forecast the event will be successfull. We have put a lot of planning into this Symposium. Some of the rooms are large and can hold large audiences.

As John has pointed out, there are a lot of people who skip some of the demos. This is common. There are usually a lot of people walking thru the IG at any point in time. Same is true for the tradeshow. Ditto for the 3 separate exhibitions we will be sponsoring in Louisville. And it's also fun to look in on the Youth room where they are getting their first turning experiences.

I have been to the last 3 symposiums and they all went well. The same guidelines we used for those symposiums have been applied to the planning and setup for Louisville. We have already adjusted the banquet so that we can hold the large group all at one time. The rest of the symposium should go just fine. It won't be perfect but it will all work out. We will not be adding 5 more demos and rooms per time slot this late in the planning. The schedule is posted on the 2006 page and it is currently up to date.

Let's see how well the event goes, before we start forecasting doom and gloom.
I HOPE that I'm wrong!

John, Bill, and Mark,

You are three of the people who I hope to see there - and Jennifer Shirley. I had meant to have a picture of me holding all fifteen of those collection plates and with just my eyes showing above the plates to show Jennifer what I look like. The only other picture of me out there was when I was peeking through the bottom of the bowl I almost cored. :D

I had forgotten that the panel discussions were going on during the demos. And I know that Bill's magnetism will pull folks down to the vendor area. And since my magnet seems to be reversed, maybe when I'm at a demo I'll encourage others to go down there too. :D


Do not regard my comments as reflecting on Board members. I am also aware of the improbability of change at this point.

When asked by the Academic Dean at the Naval Academy to describe my mode of operation, I described myself as a fireman. Meaning, when I see a problem I sound the alarm and see what can be done to put the fire out. I'm the guy who tries to warn others about the potholes ahead. And I have served on enough committees to know that rarely do my warnings gain traction. Sometimes charging ahead without considering possible problems can produce more doom and gloom than trying to figure out where problems MAY occur.

And I hope that my main problem there is how to ship one of the 2436's back to SW Virginia. :D Or, how to convince my wife that Brent English should ship a Robust lathe to me. :D
Ed Moore said:
John, Bill, and Mark,

You are three of the people who I hope to see there - and Jennifer Shirley.

I had forgotten that the panel discussions were going on during the demos.

Matter-or-fact, have more than one! :D :D
Ed Moore said:
And I know that Bill's magnetism will pull folks down to the vendor area.

Ed, at my size I think it is more like a gravity well than magnetism! :eek:

Oh yeah, I happen to know that you have a cat - or at least, a cat lives with you. I think you need an avatar. :cool2:

no panic here

All I know is that I will have the best "seat" in the house for at least three rotations. Won't have to fight anyone for my spot. I made my reservations in advance. I will be demo assistant for the following:
Mike Hosaluk
Mike Mahoney
Hans Weissflog
Any rotation other than those mentioned that allow me a good view will be a bonus!
We have a pretty active board Ed. This has been discussed. We have also discussed why this has become such a popular symposium. There are a lot of contributing factors, but we do not know for sure which set of them has made it so popular.

Your set of bowls can be considered one piece for the IG. I'm not sure all 15 would be needed, but it would be good to a set of similar items. In last year's IG there was a neat set of nested bowls with a unique design.

Hi Jeff,

I plan to bring an ornament to donate, but I don't plan to bring anything for the Instant Gallery. Thank you for suggesting that the collection plates would be suitable, but they belong to the church at this point. My view is that I am there to see, but not necessarily to be seen.

And Bill, any cat that you saw here was a visitor, we have two border collies. As far as an avatar is concerned, I have never seen a picture of a magnet turned the wrong way. :D