We were not getting as much use as we wanted out of the the lathe that was given to the club by the AAW.
Natalie and Sebastian Ryhre, 20 and 14 years old respectively, came to the Stuart Batty demo and join the club. We were looking for the right opportunity, and they were the first to benefit from our "Loan a lathe" program. Today I received an email from the young turner:
Thank you so much for letting me come to your studio and opening my eyes to the craft. I’ve been turning nonstop with the lathe you were so kind as to loan me. I was also wondering when the next meeting is. Really looking forward to working with you and getting better at turning!
I believe we have made a lasting impression on these 2 young turners. Their father didnt want to buy a lathe without the kids first trying to do something. I will attach some pictures, showing them with the lathe and pictures of their work.
Natalie and Sebastian Ryhre, 20 and 14 years old respectively, came to the Stuart Batty demo and join the club. We were looking for the right opportunity, and they were the first to benefit from our "Loan a lathe" program. Today I received an email from the young turner:
Thank you so much for letting me come to your studio and opening my eyes to the craft. I’ve been turning nonstop with the lathe you were so kind as to loan me. I was also wondering when the next meeting is. Really looking forward to working with you and getting better at turning!
I believe we have made a lasting impression on these 2 young turners. Their father didnt want to buy a lathe without the kids first trying to do something. I will attach some pictures, showing them with the lathe and pictures of their work.