I’m trying to set up a garage shop. It’s a 2 1/2 car garage, which will never see a car,
24 by 40. I’ve seen at schools etc too lathes setup on angles. Is there any where I can find info on the best way to setup two full size lathes up. Ones my wife’s. Ie. spacing etc . I see the classes always have them on angles in case something flies off etc. I found one resources in woodturning fundamentals, but I am looking for a more detailed shop setup including all the other tools bandsaw, unisaw etc that other people or businesses have found functional. We just bought the house so want a forever setup so can duct in dust control etc.
Scetches would be awesome. With suggested measurements between equipment.
24 by 40. I’ve seen at schools etc too lathes setup on angles. Is there any where I can find info on the best way to setup two full size lathes up. Ones my wife’s. Ie. spacing etc . I see the classes always have them on angles in case something flies off etc. I found one resources in woodturning fundamentals, but I am looking for a more detailed shop setup including all the other tools bandsaw, unisaw etc that other people or businesses have found functional. We just bought the house so want a forever setup so can duct in dust control etc.
Scetches would be awesome. With suggested measurements between equipment.