john lucas
AAW Forum Expert
I posted this question on Woodcentral and got some good discussion. I'm often asked my opinion on buying a new lathe. I'm pretty sharp on the Mini lathes and Lathes over $200 but I really don't know much about the lathes in this price range other than the Jet and Delta which I have either owned or turned on. I'm looking for lathes that would be considered an upgrade from a 10" mini. The new Rikon mini with bed extension might fit in this category since it has 12" swing. I'm looking for people who own or have turned on the other lathes. Grizzly has 3 in this price range, Harbour freight has a few, Craftsman has one.
does anyone own these or have experience on them that I can pass on to my fellow turners. The new Rikon mini might fit in this category if you add a bed extension.
does anyone own these or have experience on them that I can pass on to my fellow turners. The new Rikon mini might fit in this category if you add a bed extension.