With the cost of lasers for hollowing tools at $120-$140 or more, I thought about making one. Anyone successful with this or can recommend a site etc with instructions on building one with links for purchasing a laser to go with one I might build?
Bruce Hoover's article begins on page 56: Build Your Own Square-Aim LaserBernie Weishapl said:John what issue was that in of American Woodturner?? Thanks.
dkulze said:I picked up this one at a DARPA discontinued merchandise sale for $30
pencheff said:Where I grew up in northwestern PA a favorite fall pastime was driving around at night shining a billion candle power spotlight out the car window looking for deer.
That lil' tool would give "deer spotting" a whole new meaning 😛
This pointer is significantly brighter (about 50 times) than a red laser pointer and because of its unusual color it is much more noticeable. I mean come on, a 532 nm green laser wavelength is obviously superior to a laughable 650 nm red laser wavelength. And unlike a red laser, the green beam itself can be seen in mid-air in dark conditions, not just the laser beam dot. This allows the green laser pointer to be used for pointing to star constellations (skypointing) and also just generally look cool as hell. The green laser beam dot can be seen at much greater distances than with a red laser pointer.
Since green direct injection laser diodes aren't readily available, this pointer is based on the use of Diode Pumped Solid State Frequency Doubled (DPSSFD) laser technology. A high power IR laser diode at 808 nm pumps a tiny block of Nd:YVO4 generating light at 1,064 nm which feeds a KTP intracavity frequency doubler crystal to produce the green beam at 532 nm.