Donna Banfield
I'm not going to make it to the Symposium in San Jose because I have to make good on a promise I made nearly eight years ago. I'm delivering that promise this weekend - this chess set to my nephew, who just graduated from high school. When he was 10, we turned a Harry Potter Wizard Wand together - my first - when he spent a week with me during his summer vacation.
It started with Harry Potter, so it is fitting that there's a connection to Harry Potter in this chess set. The original design came from the UK Woodturning magazine, and is based on the chess pieces discovered in a cave on the Isle of Lewes. These pieces were too large to fit any modern chess board and are believed to be the oldest chess pieces in existence. Here's the Harry Potter connection - the Isle of Lewes chess pieces were the basis for Wizard's Chess in the second Harry Potter story.
The woods are Ash and Wenge, as is the box. I used white liming wax to fill the pores and lighten the Ash; Briwax Rustic Pine to fill the pores of the Wenge. He's already got the chess board covered. My grandfather, and his great-grandfather finished furniture for a living until he was 96 years years old. We all played - and got beat - on the many chess/checkers boards he made in his lifetime. Kyle got one of them after my grandfather passed away.
The chess set was about as far out of my comfort zone that I've ever stepped, but I learned that if you leave your comfort zone, magic can happen
It started with Harry Potter, so it is fitting that there's a connection to Harry Potter in this chess set. The original design came from the UK Woodturning magazine, and is based on the chess pieces discovered in a cave on the Isle of Lewes. These pieces were too large to fit any modern chess board and are believed to be the oldest chess pieces in existence. Here's the Harry Potter connection - the Isle of Lewes chess pieces were the basis for Wizard's Chess in the second Harry Potter story.
The woods are Ash and Wenge, as is the box. I used white liming wax to fill the pores and lighten the Ash; Briwax Rustic Pine to fill the pores of the Wenge. He's already got the chess board covered. My grandfather, and his great-grandfather finished furniture for a living until he was 96 years years old. We all played - and got beat - on the many chess/checkers boards he made in his lifetime. Kyle got one of them after my grandfather passed away.
The chess set was about as far out of my comfort zone that I've ever stepped, but I learned that if you leave your comfort zone, magic can happen