• Congratulations to Curt Vogt winner of the February 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Joseph Bernard for "Working Spider" being selected as Turning of the Week for March 3 2025 (click here for details)
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Just thought I'd share the little guy with you.......! (photo)


Panning for Montana gold, with Betsy, the mule!
Dec 22, 2006
Missoula, MT
My 10yr old son was hanging around the shop this afternoon, and I asked if he would like to give the lathe a try......:cool2: This is the first time he's even given it the slightest interest.....and, you can see his very first effort in the photo.......proud of that boy!:D

I just put on a piece of scrap pine wood and had him put a scraper to it......nothing fancy, he's just learning what it feels like. I can barely remember that feeling of wonder and complete mystery about the lathe, myself.

He's really an xbox kind of kid, but he did seem to have a good time for about a half hour, or so. I don't see a burning desire in his heart, like his ol' Dad, but I'm hoping that maybe there's a little spark that might smoulder a little! (fingers crossed!)



  • Ken's first try at lathe Oct 3 09 (2).JPG
    Ken's first try at lathe Oct 3 09 (2).JPG
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That is great. I have 2 daughters both grown and married. I wish I was turning back when they were kids... who knows, maybe I would have raised a couple of those fantastic lady turners.

I hope you get another visit from him in the shop real soon. Something you can share together is a wonderful thing to find.

Joe G
good for you, that spark could flame next week or 30 years down the road, but i am sure he will see turnings and think of you in the future

Keep giving him opportunities to turn every so often.....one of my favorite evenings in the recent past was when my son and I were watching TV and nothing interesting was on (for either of us). Out of the blue, he says, "Dad, do you think we could go down to the shop and do some turning?" - We were there and looking for blanks to turn within a minute or two! I wish you the same thing when it's time....

The image below is my son turning at age 10 (he's now 12) on our Jet Mini when he was turning his bowl for the 2007 Iowa State Fair (out of redheart) - he worked hard on it, and had to be really 'encouraged' to do a good job sanding it (I guess we all need this encouragement from time to time when it comes to sanding). That year he won a first place/blue ribbon in the youth (14 and under) division for woodworking. At this year's Fair, he told me that he wants to try another turning for the 2010 State Fair, and said, "maybe one of those hollow kinds".....so some additional lessons might be in the future.

I gave him his own set of blanks and billets (including a lot of squared 2x4 pieces) to turn and practice on, and he has "his own" set of turning tools - a 3/4 roughing gouge, Sorby spindle master, a few scrapers, and a shallow spindle gouge. He can now turn on his own, as long as I'm in the shop, and only after I've checked his blank set-up on the lathe. He has his own face mask and one of my old short sleeve dress shirts worn backwards as a smock.

Don't push, but keep giving him the opportunities to spin wood any time you can. It is fun when you are at your lathe and he is at his, and you both are turning together in the same shop - good time spent together just like it is when hiking, fishing, or playing sports.

Thanks for letting us know there may be an 'odie jr.' in the future....

Rob Wallace


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Don't push, but keep giving him the opportunities to spin wood any time you can.

That's a great success story Rob......

I almost have a fear of "pushing", because I've seen how an over-enthusiasm on my part has negatively effected the performance of another son, and his athletic aspirations. With this boy, I'll certainly try to cultivate his desires......not mine! :rolleyes:

I"ll bet that photo of your son has a special meaning for you, just as the photo of my son has already become special for me. I had him shut down the lathe while I hustled into the house to get the camera.....sure glad I thought of that!

Thanks for all the great comments from the rest of you, too. This day has been a special moment in time for me.......:cool2:

................................................................I almost have a fear of "pushing", because I've seen how an over-enthusiasm on my part has negatively effected the performance of another son, and his athletic aspirations. With this boy, I'll certainly try to cultivate his desires......not mine! :rolleyes:

Congratulations Odie, you have mastered, IMHO, one of the most important and difficult lessons of child rearing.
Congratulations Odie, you have mastered, IMHO, one of the most important and difficult lessons of child rearing.

I believe it!

I know some Dads are better than others, but it's too bad we all can't be perfect right from the start! .......I know I haven't been.

I think desire to do the right thing, and the "never give up attitude" are the essential ingredients that are missing sometimes.

my little cherub

My 7 year old isn't quite ready to turn, although I walked in the living room just in time Saturday as he was shoving a small rubber bouncy ball into a small hollow form I have sitting on my hutch.
-Donna P.
Wonderful stories and pictures. I have found that kids between 7 and 12 are the most interested in learning to turn.....or do anything artistic. I've had a few of my grandkids turn starting at about 7 yrs of age. Last summer, Haleigh, 8, wanted to try it, she tried a few different tools on a fresh tree limb for ease of cutting. She picked up the skew and asked "how do I use this one?" I thought about the "fear" a lot of turners express regarding the skew and decided not to instill that in her so I showed her how to use it with a very light touch. She did great.

This picture is of Ruthie Liles (no relation) that her Dad posted a few years ago. I believe she was not even 5 yrs. old at the time. I just love this little face so I saved the picture.


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My son, currently 4, always comments when he comes out to the shop that "when I'm 8, I get to use the lathe" with a beaming smile on his face.

I hope that he too will enjoy the craft as much as I do, but regardless - encouraging him to pursue his interests with the passion to discover is key.

Thanks for the story - brought a smile.

Wonderful stories and pictures. I have found that kids between 7 and 12 are the most interested in learning to turn.....or do anything artistic. I've had a few of my grandkids turn starting at about 7 yrs of age. Last summer, Haleigh, 8, wanted to try it, she tried a few different tools on a fresh tree limb for ease of cutting. She picked up the skew and asked "how do I use this one?" I thought about the "fear" a lot of turners express regarding the skew and decided not to instill that in her so I showed her how to use it with a very light touch. She did great.

This picture is of Ruthie Liles (no relation) that her Dad posted a few years ago. I believe she was not even 5 yrs. old at the time. I just love this little face so I saved the picture.

Great stories, Ruth, Donna, and Michael.......

Ruth, I found that picture of little Ruthie a great one, as well.....

The expression on that little girl just begs for a caption!

Something like:

"What! You never seen anybody turn a platter before?"

Ha! :D
