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Jet outboard update

May 3, 2004
Some time ago, I posed a question about floor stands for outboard turning for my Jet 1642 and received numerous suggestions. Since, I found the best solution was to adapt a Vicmarc outboard attachment to the lathe - which proved not only more economical but a safer and more durable solution. The adaptation was achieved by drilling and tapping four holes in the legs of the Jet to accomodate the Vicmarc's brackets. Positioning was critical to achieve a 30" dia. swing. All this was done in about 2 hrs. time and since the outboard tool post has only one contact point on the floor, it's always level with no positioning restraints as there would be with an independent type stand like a tripod. It's also much easier to work around and the perfect solution for bowl and platter production. I'd certainly recommend this solution to anyone with a similar lathe and I'd be happy to provide the adaptation specs to those who might request it for their Jet 1642. Craft Supplies carries the Vicmarc outboard attachment for $289.99 plus $12 shipping. A bargain when compared to the Jet stand at $420 plus $60 shipping. Happy turning!
That sounds like a reasonable price and it also sounds like it was easy to adapt to your lathe. I'd be interested to hear how it turns out after you've done a few large pieces with it.
Hi Denny,

I have been kicking this idea around for a few months too. I am happy to hear it worked out well for you.

I think it could be adapted to many lathes. I like the way that the Vicmarc outboard system works. The stability of the system looks good to me. I just need to pull the trigger on the credit card. :)

Thanks for your post.

Best wishes,
As I do a lot of outboard turning, using a stand that comes from the Land of 1000 Dances, I am always interested in other solutions. Could you post a picture of how it is mounted. Thanks,
Works on Powermatic too!

I've been using the Vic. outboard turning unit mounted to my 3520 for a couple of months now. No problems, rock steady. Can now turn 36"+, although 23" is the bigest I've turned so far. I've also added the 18" powermatic bed extention to the other end (left side), thus allowing me to slide the head stock back further, thus increasing the overall lenth of hollow form I can turn. (with steady rest) Now all I have to do is locate a source for bigger wood. ;-)
Gary - that's interesting that you put the PM extension on the headstock side of the lathe. Apparently it can take the weight, or it would have crashed by now. The headstock and motor must weigh 130-200 pounds.

What's the longest hollowform that you have done with that configuration?

I bought the same extension when I got the lathe just in case I ever needed it. But so far it has not seen any usage.
PM Extention.

Hi Jeff. I've had no problems having the head stock on the extention. It is very heavy. The only thing you have to do is get 7/16" hardened bolts and nuts, to mount it. That end of the main bed is not tapped like the right hand side. also making sure the ways are perfectly alligned takes a little trial and error. I started using the extention for more room so I didn't have to keep taking the tail stock off. I could just slide it all the way to the end out of the way. When using a hollowing rig, and steady rest,chuck , or face plate, things could get pretty crowded on the main bed. Although I have not neared the capacity of the lathe length wise, it opens things up. The longest piece that I have turned so far is 16" , but with longer and strongers tools much longer is not out of the question.
Outboard turning

What a great thread and so very informative. Thanks to all of you who made my brain understand how to approach the outboard turning challenge. My PM 3520 will get a similar rig one of these days. So far, the 20" have been enough but I am cutting some 33in pecan today. Each block will weigh about 75 lbs I figure. Phil
One feature I have used a lot on the PM3520 is the moveable headstock.

Often I move it out of the way like Gary does....even though he has more room. But also I find it pleasant to finish working a piece at the very end of the lathe....with me facing the headstock, the tailstock removed, and the headstock shifted to the end of the lathe. In fact this ability to move the headstock to the end was one of the main reasons I got the 3520. :cool2:
Jeff, I agree. The moveable headstock is a huge plus for many reasons. Again, that is why this outboard mod is most impressive. We may be too far down the cyber chain to have a good response, but are any PM owners interested in a group? If so, what would you be looking for? I learn a great deal every time someone posts re: PM, and maybe that's enough but wonder if we would feel more free to share tips and explore problems on our own group. What do you think?
David Galloway
As a new PM3520a owner I too would be interested. I did buy mine with the outboard turning rest...
PM 3520 Owner

Just found this thread on outboard turning on the 3520. I'm very interested in how this is set up with using 'aftermarket' tooling. Did the '3520 Owners Link' ever evolve? galvbay
PM3520 Tips and Techniques AAW subforum


Perhaps a 3520 Tips and Techniques AAW sub-forum could be established, with stuff migrating from the main forum as with the other Tips sub-forum. Wouldn't want to take away from the main forum, but once a 3520 thread is established it would be nice to add to it at any time on a special 3520 forum. It could be tried for a year, and if it doesn't take off or isn't looked at a lot (which I believe it would be) it could be archived or deleted. There are a lot of good older 3520 threads already, including your good review of the 3520b. I believe this could draw more attention to the AAW site, which would be a good thing.

Possible 3520 group

I'm in. I'm always checking out every comment about the PM. I really like mine. I Did jack it up another 3" since I'm tall, now it's 48 1/2" from floor to center line. Much more comfortable!

Bill in deep east MS.
I like the suggestion of a 3520 subforum because the 3520 does seem to be one of the more popular lathes right now. One thing to consider is clutter. If we had 10 different subforums on lathes it might be hard to navigate.

Another thing to consider is to have a permanent thread in the Tips subforum. That thread would be updated with links to the more "important" threads about 3520.

Since this forum supports Polls, I'm going to open a new thread with a poll for the options listed above. It will not show who voted on what, just the final tallies.
Gary Ljostad said:
That end of the main bed is not tapped like the right hand side. also making sure the ways are perfectly alligned takes a little trial and error.

Actually I did something similar to this with my Jet. I have the 1642 along wiht the 18" bed extension. I have space issues, so I could extend to the left but had a problem with having a legset on the end. Solution, switch the bed end-for-end. I made a filler leg (just a 2x4 that props under the end of the extension to support it) to prop under it when I've had the headstock all the way to the end. So far, I haven't seen any problems with it, but the fake leg makes me feel a little better when I'm doing legs up to 60" long

Bigger Gold

I have recently purchased a used Powermatic 2442. I would like to do outboard turning on headstock end. Do you think the Vicmarc attachment would work on here and swing 48" safely?
Just installed my Vicmarc outboard attachment

After reading all the posts and contacting Jet for a solution, I decided to bite the bullet and order the Vicmarc. Craft didn't have it on-line but when I called they do still stock it. There tech support wasn't any help on installing it on my Jet 1642.
I did a simplified install. I clamped the lower bracket onto my Jet and started two holes with a 5/16" drill bit. I then unclamped the bracket and drilled 3/8" holes all the way through and using the supplied screws attached the lower bracket. I then slid in the tool rest holder that fits between the upper and lower brackets and slid on the upper bracket. I put a 2" spacer between the holder and the upper bracket just to have some fudge room if needed. I then found that I could only get one through hole for the upper bracket due to it's alignment with the side of the lathe. I drilled this hole and attached the upper with the one screw.
Everything seems steady and it works great. If I need the other screw, I'll just drill a new hole through the bracket and lathe.
Thanks for all the great suggestions about this.
Gary - that's interesting that you put the PM extension on the headstock side of the lathe. Apparently it can take the weight, or it would have crashed by now.

Actually I did the same with the Jet 1642 when I was turning some 5' offset legs. I wasn't so sure it might have issues or not, so I made an adjustable leg that slips under the end of the extension and acts as a support. I notched a piece of wood to lock into the underside of the bed extension and put a T-nut with a screwin foot on the bottom. Simple yet works well.
