have you eliminated the G0698 from your consideration? It is 2 hp. and I remember some of your posts inquiring about it.
The one I got has really performed well, and I know the Jet has a longer track record, and some were apprehensive about the "hunt" below 100 rpm. I understand the PM 3520b's are programmed to shut off at 50 rpm now, and I have not seen this as anything other than a very minor difference.
I think you will like the Jet, and I believe it is a good machine, as I also feel the G0698 is a good machine as well. I decided on it because the features matched up well with the Jet and PM and it had 2" more swing and longer distance between centers than the Jet 1642.
Whatever you decide on, I hope you will be happy, but the programming on the Grizz inverter is simply their specs, and is not a problem or a design flaw in my opinion. Good luck! 🙂