• Beware of Counterfeit Woodturning Tools (click here for details)
  • Johnathan Silwones is starting a new AAW chapter, Southern Alleghenies Woodturners, in Johnstown, PA. (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Chad Eames for "Twisted Walnut Vessel"being selected as Turning of the Week for September 2, 2024 (click here for details)
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Jaramiah Severns

Mar 28, 2024
Roswell, GA
I’ve been lurking for a couple of months now, so figure I should introduce myself.

Hi y’all, I’m Jaramiah! I live in Roswell, Georgia with my wife and our cat. Before we moved to Georgia two years ago, we lived in San Francisco for a few years, where was a member of a pottery studio that happened to have a small wood shop in the back. On a whim, I took my first woodturning class there in September of 2021. I never went back to pottery 😬.

I currently turn on a Laguna Revo 1836, but keep my original Jet 1221 around for finishing and buffing. I mostly make hollow forms these days, as I like the challenge of turning thin, consistent walls through small openings. I prefer to use gouges for roughing and shaping, and a combo of cupped carbide and HSS scrapers for hollowing. I also make a bowl every now and then just to make sure I still remember how 😅

When I turn, my priority is shape and form. For me, the form is the piece. Everything else is complimentary. If the form is poor, the piece is poor. Exotic wood, intricate embellishment, fancy finishing techniques...they can only elevate a well-sculpted form; they can't redeem a piece that is out of proportion or has an otherwise unpleasant silhouette. I love to geek out about the golden ratio, curve speed, symmetry / asymmetry, etc. I hope that’s evident in my work (and please call me out if you feel otherwise; I appreciate a good critique).

I really enjoy seeing everyone’s work and learning from you all in the forums! Thanks for having me 👍🏻

Here are a couple of my recent hollow forms and a shot of me with my wife.


Mar 28, 2024
Roswell, GA
Glad you are here Jeremiah. I enjoy looking at your excellent work. I sometimes struggle with form, but you have it down pat.
Thanks, William! The Art of Turned Bowls by Richard Raffan is an excellent resource for better understanding form. I reference it often and can’t recommend it enough.
Jan 15, 2021
Saint Louis, MO
I’ve been lurking for a couple of months now, so figure I should introduce myself.

Hi y’all, I’m Jaramiah! I live in Roswell, Georgia with my wife and our cat. Before we moved to Georgia two years ago, we lived in San Francisco for a few years, where was a member of a pottery studio that happened to have a small wood shop in the back. On a whim, I took my first woodturning class there in September of 2021. I never went back to pottery 😬.

I currently turn on a Laguna Revo 1836, but keep my original Jet 1221 around for finishing and buffing. I mostly make hollow forms these days, as I like the challenge of turning thin, consistent walls through small openings. I prefer to use gouges for roughing and shaping, and a combo of cupped carbide and HSS scrapers for hollowing. I also make a bowl every now and then just to make sure I still remember how 😅

When I turn, my priority is shape and form. For me, the form is the piece. Everything else is complimentary. If the form is poor, the piece is poor. Exotic wood, intricate embellishment, fancy finishing techniques...they can only elevate a well-sculpted form; they can't redeem a piece that is out of proportion or has an otherwise unpleasant silhouette. I love to geek out about the golden ratio, curve speed, symmetry / asymmetry, etc. I hope that’s evident in my work (and please call me out if you feel otherwise; I appreciate a good critique).

I really enjoy seeing everyone’s work and learning from you all in the forums! Thanks for having me 👍🏻

Here are a couple of my recent hollow forms and a shot of me with my wife.

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welcome and great work. I also have an 1836 - love it