Is there any interest in an Online type AAW Chapter for those who can't make Chapter meetings because of distance and other reasons? Ideas, pros, cons?
I was wondering about a demonstrator sort of thing but how would you do that in a forum.
If it's just another Forum I don't see much advantage to it. you could ask any questions here. If it's a chat room so it's more like a club meeting of some sort then it might be interesting. I was wondering about a demonstrator sort of thing but how would you do that in a forum. It's difficult in a chat room because you can't see photos.
The nearest club meeting for me would be more than a full day's work to get there and back, which is not practical at all, so it's an interesting idea.
I have no clue how such a thing might be conducted. Skype or an equivalent would be no use to me; there's no way I can get an internet connection that would support it. Too isolated for anything but satellite here.
I'm almost entirely self-taught, and have yet to see another human being in the flesh actually turning wood, nor have I ever turned with another woodturner as an observer. The occasional video and, since I got internet recently these online forums, is the only contact with other turners available at my house without an overnight trip.
So, yeah, an interesting notion, depending on how it was set up.
What type of setup would work for you? I'd like to hear ideas on what would make this a worthwhile endeavor, what would be of interest enough to make it worth joining. The one thing that would be appealing is very low cost dues. The only overhead is hosting cost and possibly some software needed to enhance the site usability. No rental cost or lathe purchase. i'm sure there is some way to set up an online library. The rest would be volunteer work.
I wish I could say; first of all computers and their capabilities is not my thing, so I'm unaware of the options out there.What type of setup would work for you?
Is there any interest in an Online type AAW Chapter...
Can anyone post what the dues for physical clubs typically are?