Well I haven't bought much wood from Woodcraft but have bought a fair amount from Pete Kekel
http://bigmonklumber.com/ Every piece has been marked which is good because my memory sucks and he has such a wide variety.
You do have to consider that the wood products at woodcraft is only one small part of their business and if the wood doesn't come labeled it might be pretty time consuming to do that. I do understand the problem though and it would suck to not know.
I don't think we need a separate category to discuss problems with vendors. It already creaps in from time to time. There is currently a discussion about Delta parts problems. I don't see a problem as long as it stays civil. It would be nice to know if things are factual and not just flamming because of a perceived or actual wronged customer. I worked in retail sales and dealt with customers my whole life and there are definitely some you can't please no matter what you do.