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insurance question

Dear river,

The AAW insurance covers AAW members participating in AAW club functions.
I am not aware of any claim against the policy so turning is pretty safe.

I think these tips were all covered already:
1. Be sure all of the club officers are AAW members
2. The coverage applies only to AAW members
3. Document the club function by publishing it in the newsletter, minutes...
4. Be sure to follow accepted safety practices. Someone who is blatantly negligent might be liable in additon to the insurance. When I was a supervisor it was made very clear to me that if I did not take corrective action on a reported safety hazard, an injured party could sue me personally.

If a person were blinded turning a "freedom pen" without eye protection during a club sponsored function the insurance would surely cover the medical bills but......
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Can you clarify one thing for me please. When you say all club officers - does that include board members or just Pres., VP, Sec, etc.?

Officers and Directors must be AAW members. This is in the AAW Policy and Procedures which is on the web site and in the from of the Directory.

------------ from the policy and procedures ----------------

1. Interaction. Local chapters should provide the Managing Director with
Chapter Bylaws, a list of Officers, contact information, a meeting schedule, and copies of chapter newsletters. To be a chapter of AAW the Officers and Directors must be members of the AAW.
Obviously, chapters should encourage all members to become AAW members.
Otherwise you have to figure out who is and isn't whenever you have a program where you want insurance coverage. Most chapter have some members that will never touch a tool in public an maybe it is just as well if those folks don't join the AAW but all the others should.

Thanks Al,

Now that I am doing more and more demos I have been trying to make sure that I am covered by the liability insurance to protect myself and what the wife and I have worked for all these years. It helps to know all the details as to what is required for the insurance to be in effect to protect us.
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