O'Donnell Reference Sheets
While these are not posters that show how to
use turning tools,
per se, they do show various turning tools as far as how to sharpen/grind them, and can be used as reference illustrations while you are teaching.
Check-out the O'Donnell Reference Sheets sold by Craft Supplies USA by looking
HERE. I have used them on occasion when teaching about certain turning tools, and have used some of the illustrations in a few woodturning demonstrations.
At $ 11.00 they're not too expensive, and may prove to be useful in your teaching efforts.
Keep up your teaching of woodturning to middle schoolers- my son is now in 7th grade and has been turning for 3+ years.
Rob Wallace
PS - You might also want to see my Woodturning Links web page (URL below) for quick access to additional on-line woodturning information resources, tools, supplies, and methods.