I love the forum because it gives me a place to learn something. As I was in meditation while pulling weeds, I remembered an obscure scripture which I am going to apply in my next demo. "Catch us the foxes, the little foxes, that ruin the vineyards---- for our vinyards are in blossom." Song of Solomon 2:15. I want a list of the little things that we must address regulary so our "vinyard" (lathe, shop, environment) doesn't mess up our work! John, I wish the forum had an option to create a list such as this where they would all be in a condensed version , rather than on multiple pages. And maybe since I just finished reading the lathe spec thread, the list already exists, I just don,t know where to look or havn't stumbled on to it yet! Even if one does already exist, the theads of "the best ..." are some of the threads I enjoy reading through the most. Has AAW considered publishing a Best of the Forum hard copy or link on the web page?