• Beware of Counterfeit Woodturning Tools (click here for details)
  • Johnathan Silwones is starting a new AAW chapter, Southern Alleghenies Woodturners, in Johnstown, PA. (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to William Rogers for "Ambrosia Maple Platter" being selected as Turning of the Week for September 16, 2024 (click here for details)
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I took a workshop with Derek Weidman

Apr 3, 2023
Peterborough, NH
I took a multi-axis turning workshop with Derek Weidman. It gave me a whole new way to think about the lathe as a tool. Very excited to share my first project (with a lot of help from Derek!). This is Henry the goat. My son has a goat farm. If you get the opportunity to take a class, demo or workshop with Derek, go for it. He is a super teacher, has a great sense of humor and his techniques will boggle your mind.20240809_175146.jpg
Nov 24, 2010
Lexington, KY
Taking classes with Derek is a mindbending experience. I've taken two classes with him at Arrowmont. He turns in a different universe. Although I have yet to do an animal head outside his classes, his approach to multiaxis turning has been fundamental to much of what I do. I tend toward the more geometric, but his instruction on setting up cuts has been invaluable.
Apr 3, 2023
Peterborough, NH
Taking classes with Derek is a mindbending experience. I've taken two classes with him at Arrowmont. He turns in a different universe. Although I have yet to do an animal head outside his classes, his approach to multiaxis turning has been fundamental to much of what I do. I tend toward the more geometric, but his instruction on setting up cuts has been invaluable.
Mindbending only begins to describe it. After taking his class I see a lot of trial and error and firewood creation in my future. I think the only way to be able to learn how to turn like this is to develop a willingness to make mistakes and let them go to the firewood pile. Derek has been doing this for a long time. The planning of cuts requires an ability to see the results of a few moves ahead, like chess. I think that will only come with practice. Fortunately my son can use the firewood!