Ben.......I've been aware of your work for a couple years now. You are definitely a very creative artist, a free thinker, and completely unique! I did have a little difficulty with the scroll left to right, but figured it out pretty quickly. Overall, the appearance does look professional. I know you'll keep fine tuning it, but it looks good for a start.
I know how much effort you're putting into your turnings, and it shows. My impression is you are selling yourself cheap. You may want to consider asking a price you'd like to get, rather than what you think they'll sell for. You can always lower your prices later, if you think that's an issue. People who buy art generally are willing to pay more, and sometimes the higher price is what sells art. I'd ask a higher price for them, but until you've established yourself, you won't want to get too aggressive.............yet!
Keep on, keeping on, Ben.......your turnings are special, and you'll age like fine wine. Keep in touch, and I look forward to seeing where you take your own unique style, in the future.......😀