Odie, your persistence has paid off for me. A few days ago, I turned a bowl almost entirely with scrapers, and they weren't all that sharp. I used a gouge to shear scrape the inside of the bowl because I couldn't get any of my scrapers in, otherwise it would have been an all scraper bowl. Incidentally, it was the best bowl I'm made so far.
Howdy Burt.......
Actually, I was never attempting to promote using a scraper exclusively. Everyone should use bowl gouges, as well. It's my belief that there is a time for scrapers, and there is a time for bowl gouges......and the duties of both WILL have some overlap.
The real main thrust in my post above, is to point out that the CTT, just as it is for the Ci1, really has no advantage over a scraper, sharpened and used in the same manner.
John Lucas is certainly correct in pointing out the superiority of gouges......but, I'm going to add that those advantages don't always apply universally. I say, be prepared to use both, or either! There have been times where I've started with a gouge, or a scraper.......and decided to "switch-hit" on a bowl. There are many things that may make one method better over another........size, shape, species, interior vs exterior, method of mounting, direction of cut (When one contemplates the more complicated shapes, it's not always possible to cut in a direction that is best for minimal tear-out!), also, I don't know this, but I've suspected that the temperature of the wood block may effect how well a cutting edge will perform on it!
Prepare yourself to be competent using BOTH methods.......you're versatility as a bowl turner will be greatly enhanced because you understood the importance of both sides of the "scraping vs cutting" argument!.........
One additional comment. At one time Rude Osolnik (RIP) did most of his work using scrapers exclusively! It is not unreasonable to think this, or understand why, simply because the more advanced a turner gets, the more he will realize there are a multitude of ways to use scrapers........and that statement equally applies to gouges as well!
Just because you haven't thought of it yet, doesn't mean someone else won't!