The 1st disussion was very enlightening, perhaps the "pot" requires more "stirring?" I trust one will not "read into" the premise something that is not intended.
PREMISE In regard to juried shows, exhibits, competitions, et al: The American Association of Woodturners, being the "official" voice of woodturners only because we turners chose it to be so, had ought to set parameters for at least two, and perhaps three, juried styles of woodturnings in order that each style is juried/judged with it peers.
MY VIEW: Yes, I think this is an idea of merit.
PREMISE In regard to juried shows, exhibits, competitions, et al: The American Association of Woodturners, being the "official" voice of woodturners only because we turners chose it to be so, had ought to set parameters for at least two, and perhaps three, juried styles of woodturnings in order that each style is juried/judged with it peers.
MY VIEW: Yes, I think this is an idea of merit.