OK, newbies. listen up!......here is something you NEED to know:
(You will need to click on the photo illustration below.)
I went for a few years of woodturning before I fully understood this......and, it wasn't until I saw a similar illustration before it was cemented in my mind. I first saw this illustration in a John Jordan VHS video.....thanks John for coming up with the original illustration. It's probably the most important thing that stood out in my mind in the past 15yrs about that video......and, an exceptional way of seeing the significance of how to use the wood fibers to best advantage for a clean cut.
The blue lines in the bowl's interior represent the grain of the wood. If you were to slice through the bowl along the long grain, this is representational of how the grain would be orientated.....and exposing the end grain at it's toughest angle to make a clean cut.
This is to visualize, or demonstrate how to make a cut where the fibers of the grain support the fibers that are cut before it. If you were to reverse the direction of cut over that shown, the fibers do not support the cut.......THIS IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF TEAR-OUT. It can't be stressed strongly enough just how critical it is to understand this principle....it is an EXTREMELY important point, and until you "get it", your efforts in bowl turning will be plagued by not applying this knowledge.....until such time as you DO......"get it"!
The outline of the bowl profile is in black
The required direction of cut for maximum fiber support is shown in red.
The blue lines show the orientation of the grain fibers within the interior of the bowl walls.
1.....For exterior cutting, cut from smallest to largest diameter.
2.....For interior cutting, cut from largest to smallest diameter.
The rules are simple, and I hope the reasons why they exist are obvious to you in the illustration.
Note: There will be times when the rules will need to be broken.....but to get the best, most cleanest cut, the rules will need to be adhered to.......
(You will need to click on the photo illustration below.)
I went for a few years of woodturning before I fully understood this......and, it wasn't until I saw a similar illustration before it was cemented in my mind. I first saw this illustration in a John Jordan VHS video.....thanks John for coming up with the original illustration. It's probably the most important thing that stood out in my mind in the past 15yrs about that video......and, an exceptional way of seeing the significance of how to use the wood fibers to best advantage for a clean cut.
The blue lines in the bowl's interior represent the grain of the wood. If you were to slice through the bowl along the long grain, this is representational of how the grain would be orientated.....and exposing the end grain at it's toughest angle to make a clean cut.
This is to visualize, or demonstrate how to make a cut where the fibers of the grain support the fibers that are cut before it. If you were to reverse the direction of cut over that shown, the fibers do not support the cut.......THIS IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF TEAR-OUT. It can't be stressed strongly enough just how critical it is to understand this principle....it is an EXTREMELY important point, and until you "get it", your efforts in bowl turning will be plagued by not applying this knowledge.....until such time as you DO......"get it"!
The outline of the bowl profile is in black
The required direction of cut for maximum fiber support is shown in red.
The blue lines show the orientation of the grain fibers within the interior of the bowl walls.
1.....For exterior cutting, cut from smallest to largest diameter.
2.....For interior cutting, cut from largest to smallest diameter.
The rules are simple, and I hope the reasons why they exist are obvious to you in the illustration.
Note: There will be times when the rules will need to be broken.....but to get the best, most cleanest cut, the rules will need to be adhered to.......
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