I have a bunch of green bay laurel that keeps sprouting mildew/fungus. I have cut it back twice, and two days later, it's forming again. I had originally sprayed the blanks with household bleach or peroxide, and neither made a dent. In the past, cutting away the mildew was enough, but not this batch. Suggestions to treat and/or prevent fungal overgrowth on green wood? I am in Sonoma County - it's fairly damp this winter. The wood is in my garage - dry, but ambient humidity is basically the same as outdoors. Nothing is stacked - plenty of air around it. Nothing is wrapped in a bag. Still come the fungi. I did boil the wood - wondering if that somehow promotes fungal growth. Help!
I have a bunch of green bay laurel that keeps sprouting mildew/fungus. I have cut it back twice, and two days later, it's forming again. I had originally sprayed the blanks with household bleach or peroxide, and neither made a dent. In the past, cutting away the mildew was enough, but not this batch. Suggestions to treat and/or prevent fungal overgrowth on green wood? I am in Sonoma County - it's fairly damp this winter. The wood is in my garage - dry, but ambient humidity is basically the same as outdoors. Nothing is stacked - plenty of air around it. Nothing is wrapped in a bag. Still come the fungi. I did boil the wood - wondering if that somehow promotes fungal growth. Help!