In one of our back issues < > 1yr there AAW mags there was an article about getting wood to spalt by using different fungus,any info on this would be of help,i'm in S/E NC,WAWA,Thanks Russ.
Sara has done a lot of research and has a book out on the subject. She gave a very good lecture on spalting your own wood at the 2012 Symposium.I found this. Do a simple search on google for how to spalt wood and you'll find much more.
Keep the wood wet and room temp.
... For the drinkers of diuretic liquid, urea and uric acid are high in nitrates....
Vernon Lebrand, a turner in Washington, almost on the Canada border does it best. He loves monkey puzzle trees for turning. Takes a log section out and puts it end grain down on the lawn. Spectacular spaulting in 10 days. It is always moist and humid up there. Not sure how it would work else where though.
robo hippy
I have also heard that a mixture of yoghurt and dog excrement works well! But I think I'll pass on that one😱
In one of our back issues < > 1yr there AAW mags there was an article about getting wood to spalt by using different fungus,any info on this would be of help,i'm in S/E NC,WAWA,Thanks Russ.